Hey- I just got a REALLY nice email from a big fan of mine named Nito Gomez. I'd like to share his letter with you guys- and let you see his photos, too. It's awesome to hear from fans that I have touched in a positive way. Thanks again, Nito! Great work- IT SHOWS!

Hi Rory, Just wanted to say hello and wish you well! I was an unknown "clone" of yours starting in the early '80's (and still am today). I lived in the small town of Salinas, Ca., and had to travel from there to enter shows. I was in my teen years when I began to admire your size, symmetry, posing, knowledge, and personality. I once sent John Zenda a letter asking him to please forward it to you, because I think it had come out in a magazine that you trained in his gym or he managed you, or something like that. Anyhow, here's some pics of when I entered a show in Fresno taking 3rd place in the '84 Mr. Latino USA. I also met a guy named Mark there who said he was trained by you. He's in one of the photos. Do you remember him? He didn't tell me his last name. I was 19 then, and I got 3rd to Mark that day. I got to talk to him and he mentioned some good training advice to me. Just a couple questions: What song did you pose to at the '81 America in Las Vegas? Also, are there any copies of that show floating around anywhere? I saw the '83 Nationals in San Jose and your routine was the best of all time I have ever seen. The standing ovation was the first and only one I have ever seen in the sport, and when I watch it on DVD I still get chills when I see it! That is the one and only greatest posing routine of all time. I imagine your '81 Las Vegas routine was of the same quality, which is why I'd like to see it. I competed up until 2003 and now at 44 my knees can't take the poundages much anymore and leg size will never match my upper body again. I also saw you guest pose in Stockton in '84 for Mitch Renz at his show, and you were phenomenal then, too. Mitch is judging the natural shows now, I saw him a few weeks ago. Anyhow Rory, thanks for all the great years, and hopefully many more to come for you and for us followers of yours! ------Nito Gomez
If you are the same Nito 'Refugee' Gomez I knew in the 80's, please contact me. This is Ed Mack from Palo Alto, Ca. My email is edtyco@yahoo.com